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Buying a Home for the First Time? Beware of Undisclosed Defects.

The easy part about buying your first home is feeling excited about it all. The tough part is covering all of your legal bases before making the purchase.

We’re talking about getting a full inspection, buying homeowners insurance and getting a full review of the purchase-sale agreement.

For more than 20 years, the attorneys at Levy – von Beck & Associates have been helping homeowners address legal issues before and after real estate sales.

Even when a house appears absolutely beautiful and comfortable on the surface, rushing into a home purchase can lead to multiple costly problems.

We have seen undisclosed defects of all kinds, including defective hardwood floors, wind-driven rain damage beneath siding, faulty electrical wiring, and land stability issues caused by previous construction or excavation.

Complicating matters, builders’ insurance policies can present obstacles to pursuing a construction defect claim.

You may be left wondering how to cover the cost of repairs for undisclosed damage caused by someone else’s faulty construction methods.

For your best chance at a successful claim, it is important to obtain experienced legal counsel as soon as you believe that a problem exists.

A lawyer experienced in handling construction defect claims can help you take the right steps, such as choosing a forensic expert, determining whether your insurance will cover the defect, and notifying the builder.

Our attorneys work with engineers and construction experts to determine the sources of defects, as well as how to get defects repaired in the most cost-efficient way possible.

For more on these matters, please see our previous post, “‘What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You’ – And Other Truths For First-Time Homebuyers.”

Levy – von Beck & Associates represents homeowners throughout the Seattle area, including Bellevue, Kirkland and Redmond, and out to North Bend and beyond the Cascades.

One Comment

  • Joe Manausa says:

    Having helped homebuyers for 27 years, I can tell you the list of undisclosed items is long and extensive. Always get a home inspection by a highly reviewed/recommended home inspector and close with an attorney!

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